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Christian Fantasy
About this Site

It's been quite a number of years now since I first decided to try my hand at creating a web-site. I am no longer at UBC and no longer studying literature, and the internet and I (I hope) have matured a good deal in the meantime, but my love for Christian Fantasy literature has by no means lessened! Here, than, for whatever it's worth, is the original introduction to my original Christian Fantasy web-site:

As a student of literature at UBC, I’ve created this site as a service for others interested in Christian fantasy and, in particular, in the resources on Christian fantasy available on the ’net. I also hope that this site will generate some interest in the study of Christian fantasy as a sub-genre. There’s a lot of real junk being published out there as Christian fantasy right now, but Christian fantasy has a great heritage, which I hope this site will show. But unless we’re aware of that heritage, and aware of it in a little more knowledgeable fashion than “Those were really great books that I read as a kid—I think I’ll write one!”, I don’t see that there’s much chance that things will improve.

Not that there’s only junk out there now. I’ve also tried to include in this site more current Christian fantasy authors that I’m aware of. If there’s any that I’ve overlooked (and I’m sure there are), please let me know, and I’ll see what I can do about including them in future issues of this site. The same holds true for older fantasy or proto-fantasy authors that I’ve overlooked, or if you have any suggestions for improving this site.

Please note that this site does not try to provide a complete list of internet resources on Christian fantasy—because of time and space limitations I’ve included only the sites I’ve found useful, and that I’m fairly sure you’ll find interesting and helpful. Again, if there’s any really great sites out there that you think I’ve overlooked, please let me know. I am not omniscient, after all.

Finally, if you have any comments about this site or, better yet, about any aspect of the Christian fantasy sub-genre, don’t hesitate to let me have them. As a student of literature, I find I learn most through dialogue. And if I get a lot of really interesting comments, I just may add a “letters” section to the archives...

          Sincerely yours,

          Ed Hewlett.

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